Encounter a Crocodile in Kuranda


We’ve all heard the saying ‘never smile at a crocodile…’ But while exploring Kuranda, you can get up close and personal in a variety of different ways!

Are you ready? Here are our top 9 picks for crocodile encounters  in Kuranda.


A turtle sits on the back of a freshwater crocodile

1. Find Unlikely Friendships.

Opposites attract, right? Photograph freshwater crocodiles getting friendly with turtles while cruising the Barron River with Kuranda

2. Get the T-Shirt!

Embellish your holiday tales to your friends and family back home! Take home an Australian Crocodile Catchers Club shirt from the The T-Shirt Shop. It’s complete with rips and blood stains to authenticate your tale.

3. Spice up your Kuranda Visit.

With a Sri Lankan Crocodile Curry at Frogs Restaurant.

4. Count the Teeth.

Count the teeth on a crocodile stuffed by Speewah Taxidermist Chris Hannam at Coral Coast Leather.

5. Meet Jack the Ripper.

Visit Rainforestation to see Jack the Ripper, a 5m saltwater crocodile weighing 650kg with a reputation for killing 12 of his girlfriends!

6. Count all the Crocs!

Be assured of a crocodile sighting at Kuranda Koala Gardens. The wildlife park is home to 18 freshwater crocodiles!

7. Test your Windpipes.

Test your windpipes on a didgeridoo featuring a crocodile at Doongal Aboriginal Art & Artifacts. Admire the artwork and skill behind those who craft the didgeridoos. Doongal Aboriginal Art & Artifacts are painted by Atherton Tablelands artists Wirajuri, Koolado and Billawarra.

8. Dress Up.

Adorn yourself with crocodile skin bracelets and tooth necklaces! Or try a crocodile foot backscratcher! These are found at the Australian Bush Store.

9. From Above with Skyrail!

With a heritage dating back some 200 million years, crocodiles are an integral part of our unique rainforest environment and can often be seen sun-baking on the banks of the Barron River as you glide over in your Skyrail Rainforest Cableway gondola.


A saltwater crocodile is just submerged in the water

Rainforestation Nature Park.

Curry and rice in a silver bowl sits on a plate and napkin upon a wooden table

Frogs Restaurant.

A stuffed crocodile sits on a table with its mouth open showing its teeth

Coral Coast Leather.

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